
Thursday 22 September 2016

My Story about having hearing aids

My name is Hopelilly. I am 9 years old. I was born on the December the 12th on 2006. I remember that I have to look carefully if people are talking so I can hear what they are saying. When I was little I just say anything to people because I don’t know what they’re saying. When I was little I started to go to hospital to test my ears. They put some yellow stuff in my ear and I can’t hear what they’re saying and then they test my ears. If 2 people are talking I have to ask them to talk one at a time because people talk at the same time, I can’t hear what they saying. It is hard. If one person talks, then easy but if 2 or more people talking then it's hard. I wear hearing aids for about 6 or 7 years. I don’t remember too much but I know my dad takes me to the doctors all the time. I’m happy to wear my hearing aids, they help me to hear better. Without the hearing aids, I can’t hear much, just a little bit. If I put my hand over my hearing aid, it makes a loud noise. I have a FM that goes with my hearing aids for the teacher or my buddy who works with me so I can hear what they saying. My brother Tapu helps me when I can’t hear my mum and dad at home. If Tapu is not at home then I got Paulo to help me. I have to wear my hearing aids all the time. If I don’t then I can’t hear. I have a friend who has a hearing aid who goes to another school. I meet other children who have hearing aids when we all go to the park. People don’t know that I have hearing aids but the doctor tells them to come and help me. So, don’t forget to help me when you see me. You have to talk one at a time

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Hopelilly
    I did not know that you had hearing aids to help you hear. You could work on you sentences because you are missing some words here and there. This reminded me of my asthma I had to go to the doctors a lot. Have you had other hearing aids?
    Ka Pai (Good work)
    From Jessie
